Friday, 28 March 2014

Symbolism- Art

Symbolism- Late 19th century movement

Symbolism is a period that was much older than Post-impressionism which was in 1850. The movement arose in France. Symbolism was a movement full of literature and visually symbolic paintings. It was also and was an international and global movement.  Symbolism way expressed by form, image which means something or associated with something special for the individual.  Symbolism was full of expressions which were sensitive to be expressed.  It was a time that government services did not exist so people had to look from where they can make money, get education and also invent solutions for medical care.  In their painting the artists used to add heroes, women, animals and also landscapes which were symbolizing love, death, sin, religion and disease. Sometimes the artists of that time used to add symbols instead of real life scenes or things to represent a thing.  Symbolism was a movement against the poorly visual art of realism and impressionism period and the movement wanted to start represent drawing with symbols.  It was influenced from Pre-Raphaelite and Romanticism art.
"The poor fisherman" going back in 1881.
  • It was made by Piere Puvis De Chavannes.
  • Used Oil colours
  • Infleunced Picasso

My opinion: 
the artist tried to express that the man is trying his best to catch some fish to be able to feed the baby behind him.  The face expression on the man`s face looks speechless and sad. The picture is showing that the time was hard to be lived easily.
The woman at the back is picking some flowers and supposed to take care of the baby. The colours used are dull maybe because that the pictures bring sad feelings to the audience.  I can observe reflections og the boat on the water. In my opinion the artist tried to make it realistically but does not manage to do so. Although there are some shades and tones to become realistic it is not realistic enough. 
"The fisherman" by George Bellows
  • It was made in 1917 and It is clearly inspired from 'The Poor fisherman' By Piere Puvis De Chavannes.
  • I can see a man struggle to catch fish on a rock.
  •  The sea is wavy and the weather looks dull. The colours are bright. 
  • There is a part dull and a part bright so there is a contrast. 

 'The Poor fisherman' has dull colours and the man is standing straight from front view without an expression. He is standing on a boat and the sea is calm while the other painting from George bellow shows a contrast of brightness and dull colours. The man looks a bit anxious from the back trying to catch the fish. The sea is wavy. 

Brunodilen (2014).Artinthepicture.what is symbolism.[online] Available on: Accessed on:28th March,2014

Ducksters (2014). Art history and artists. Symbolism.[Online]. Available on: Accessed on:28th March 2014

Dr. JeanneS.M Willette (2009). Symbolism art and poetry. Symbolism. [online]. Available on: Accessed on: 28th March. 2014

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