Thursday 13 March 2014

History of Design -Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution
This period began in th 18th century and ended in 19 th century. It was a period that made huge differences in Agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology which effected how people look in socio economics and started to analyse how to progress the society. It was a period that started the cultures from United Kingdom and then went through Europe, North America and all over the world. The Industrial Revolution was influenced in daily life because of transformation in economy.

Before the industrial revolution every little thing had to be by hand but now there is a huge variety of technology and machinery to make something you want possible in less time. Farmers also started to leave their work to join a factory. The first innovation for textile industry was the flying shuttle in 1733 made by John Jay that made it easy to weave and from there different inventors completed to invent more inventions. Industrial revolution even started to transform how to make other items such as furniture made by wood and other useful items made of both resistant and non resistant materials.
Picture from the industrial revolution

Flying shuttle invented in 1733 by John Kay

Modern Factory started in England
Today we live with al lot of products that we can`t imagine our lives without them. Before the industrial revolutions every thin was different in a way that someone who had two shirts were considered richer than the one who had 1 shirt. Until Sir Richard Arkwright designed new spinning mills which were capable to turn threads and yarn into weaved fabric.
 Sir Richard Arkwright had the pride to say that he began the modern factory with good designed spinning machine. England started to export the ready weaved fabric to other countries.  Spinning Machine and the modern Factory was a door for al lot of jobs and some people started to move to England to be able to find a job.  Industrial revolution gained some health benefits due to almost everyone was exposed to wear something to cover their body and be protected from infections of any other health conditions.
The disadvantages of that time were not aware of safety in factories and were leaving dust all over the factory but by time everything settles and became more hygienic and safe to work in.
Sir Richard Arkwright 
The factory in England

The spinning Jenny Invented by James Hargreaves in  1764

The spinning Jenny made it easier to produce a yarn or thread from fibres.  People stories say that It was introduced from a carpenter and a weaver when his daughter Named Jenny taped on a spinning wheel and as James Hargreaves observed closely how the spindle  across the floor  the idea popped in his mind to create the spinning Jenny. Before the introduction of the spinning Jenny there was already an invention with the same function  but was not improved enough  but no one know who was the person behind the spinning wheel of the 13th century.
The spinning Jenny

Samuel Slater
Samuel was the one who introduced the industrial revolution to America. Samuel Slater was a manufacturer. He loved machinery and made variety of textiles technology to make the industry easier for professionals and for people who had a hobby doing these things in America. He has designed the textiles mills and managed to build up a cotton spinning machine.
Samuel Slater who introduced the industrial revolution to America
Textile Mill Samuel Slater designed

Assembly line
The Assembly line was an important part in industrial revolution. Assembly line is an order of workers and machines in a work place or factory which are assemble products. Every individual had there own responsibilities to make certain work in certain time to make the products done. The factory started to have sections of specific process. Assembly line was the beginning of faster production and because of that prices were cheaper so all the people can effort to buy the items. Employments completed to become easier to enter the company. It began in 1908 and completed to develop till 1915 from ford Motor company. Behind the assembly line there was Henry Ford who had a mind of a genius in fast production. Although women workers was happy that they got a workplace they still were treated bad abused mentally and sometimes physically.  In the 19th and 20th century started to protest and making strikes to bring workers rights.

Progressive era
On the 20th century started the progressive era and here when the labor quality improved. They tried their best to improve the rights of the employees and women rights both if they are working as housekeepers and in a production industry.  The children who were working at that time started to work without a lot of harsh rules and government bring minimum working age and maximum allocated hours realistically enough to be worked without feeling too much stress.
women on strikes
working in Assembly line

in time they completed to make changes for women house wife's and employees rights. Now a days they have the right to take leave, a lot of companies have good salaries and have labor to fight for worker rights. The Progressive era was just the beginning to remove harsh rules in work places. 

Thomas Savery- steam engine

There were other useful inventions in Industrial revolution on of them is the steam engin by Thomas savery who were an English Military engineer.  The steam engline was introduced in 19th century
Steam engine

Thomas Savery who invented the steam engine.


CC-BY-SA (2003).Industrial revolution[internet].[online] Available on Accesed on 14 th March, 2014

Mary Bellis (2014). .Inventors. Industrial revolution-timeline of textiles machinery. Available on: Accessed on: 14th March, 2014

Mary Bellis (2014). inventors. Industrial revolution-Pictures from the industrial revolution. [online]. Available on: Accessed on: 14th March. 2014

Mary Bellis (2014). Inventors.The spinning wheel. [Online]. Available on: Accessed on 14th March,2014

Mary Bellis (2014). Inventors. spinning frame- water frame. [Online]. Available on: Accessed on: 14th March, 2014

History (2014).History. Industrial Revolution. [Online]. Available on: Accessed on: 14th March, 2014

GreenNet. 19TH and early 20th century. [Online]. Available on: Accessed on: 14th March,2014

PBS online (1998).A science odessey. People and discoveries.[online]. Available on : Accessed on: 14th March, 2014

Mary Bellis (2014). Inventors. The history of steam engines. [Online]. Available on: Accessed on: 14th March,2014

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