Saturday, 5 April 2014

Cubism- Art

Cubism Period was one of the most powerful visual art styles. Cubism period happened in the early 20th Century.  The artist Pablo Picasso had a huge part in cubism in fact he was the one that created the movement. Another artist that had an important role in the cubism movement was the French Painter George Braque which was part of the cubism movement too.  Cubism Period arose in Paris, France in 1907 and ended in 1914. Cubism period were influenced from Primitivism and non-Western. Cubism started to rebel in opposition of the rules of past and present art. In cubism period there was a change in art, music, literature and also in architecture. In the early cubism the artist had an addiction to monochromatic schemes but changed the colour schemes by time. They used to paint people and things that look as n illusion for example a face from a side with two eyes. Normally you will find geometric shapes all around and stiff lines. They also used to stick news papers or any other material like fabric, an Interesting leaf that catches the eyes attention.

Pablo Picasso:
Picture of the artist Pablo Picasso
Picasso was an important Artist for the cubism period. He also took control of Western art. He was Born in Spain in 1881 and produced about 22,000 pieces of art, sculptures and also graphic design works during his live .  He had two important periods named Blue and rose period . The blue period started from the 1901 till 1904 and the rose period took place in 1905 until 1906.  The Blue period were representing poor  in fact most of the painting of that time were done with dull  colours and Blue tones. On the other side the rose period had happier feeling and used to add lighter colours to his paintings.

Blue period Painting from Picasso:
It is called "The Absinthe Drinker"  and was done in 1903
He used Blue tones and can see yellow tones two which are opposit to each other and are complimenting each other. I can see a sense of chiaroscura in the painting because of the dark tones in the background.

Painting from Rose period:
"The girl with a goat" by  Pablo Picasso which was made in  1906.
  • It was made with oil on canvas.
  • I can see lighter colours with different shades and tones. The artist used Neutral colours with different tones and shades. 

My opinion:

Due to lighter colours this painting gives a feeling of peace and happiness while the other one from blue period gives feeling of sadness and fear of darkness.  I can observe that nudity was getting evoke in rose period. The Artist tried to make the picture realistically while the blue period Painting is less realistic because of the shape of the face which is irregular. 

Paintings from cubism:
This picture was the first one painted from the cubism period which started in 1907
It was named "les demoiselles d'avignon"

  • It is also made by Pablo Picasso.
  • It was made with oil painting on Canvas

What I can observe:
I can see 5 women naked with un proportional bodies and faces. The faces looks weird because of the over un realistic shapes and large eyes and noses. The Lips are just a line in a lot of faces. I can see implied lines most of them triangular. Some outlines are white while others are black. I can see shades and tones in the bodies but not blended while the background is blended.
Other painting from cubism period:
"Factory Horte de Ebbo" by Picasso in 1919
  • Were made with oil on canvas

Paintings influenced from Cubism period paintings:
Les Demoiselles d''Alabama made  1985 by Robert Colescott

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon vues de derrière made in 1999 by Patrick Caulfield

"Bones" By Oskar Schlemmer   which were made in 1932
Differences From Th original and "Bones" by Oskar Schlemmer:
I can observe that the one made by Oskar has brighter and more different colours. The Curves of the scenetons and smoother and with curves while the other one the bodies are full of stiff lines.
What they have in common:
The fruits in the bottom centre are presented in the two paintings. There is five people presented in the two of them . The poses are common. The background is the same but the modern one is with brighter colours.


Sharon Fitzgerald (2014). Arthur Roger." Robert Colescott rosck the boat", Amrican visions. [online]. Available on Accessed on: 4rd. Aprrin,2014

Rewald, Sabine. (2000). "cubism".  Heilbunn timline of art history. [online].Available on: Accessed on: 4rd April, 2014

Pablo Picasso Painting, quotes , biography 2009. Pablo Picasso.Pablo Picasso and his paintings. [online]. Available on: Accessed on:4rd April,2014

The Barnes Foundation (2014). Barnes.Pablo Picasso.[online]. Available on: Accessed on : 4rd April,2014

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