Futurism- Filippo
Tommaso Marinetti
On 20th February,1909 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti announced a
written manifesto which describes the
aims, moralities and opinions of himself. The manifesto was also written to
employ other members to share their ideas. Marinetti ideas were supported by
other famous artists like Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla and others. In his
Manifesto he wrote "We want to glorify war, the only cure for the world"
because it was an aggressive art movement and war was a capitalist for the
futurist interruption. All of the
artists of that time wanted the movement to be transformed to art which shows
properties of space and movement. Futurism started in Milan, Italy and
completed to be published abroad. In futurism arts you will find geometric
shapes but still a chaos with vast of colour, you will also find different shades.
It was a campaign which uncovered not just some aspects of usual antiquity, but
everything that was not quite new. Futurists used to use allot of dots and
geometric shapes which was called divisionism movement. This particular
movement managed to influence modern art of the 20th century which influenced
the advance of graphic design. Futurism manuscripts, philosophies and
aesthetics were very influential for designers in both that time and long time
ago. Futurists absorbed from complications that represent modern experience and
do their best to show feelings and memories when producing a painting,
sculpture, and poetry, architecture and graphical design. These feelings and memories the artists make were
not always visible to the eye so it takes observation to understand the message
they try to send to the audience.
Futurists were able to bring out the noise, heat and sometimes even the
smell of a capital city. Futurism is hard to be recognized by its style easily because
futurists steeled from other styles such as Symbolism and divisionism. Cubism style came from influences of
futurism. Futurists were tempted about graphic
technology such as chrono photography, animation and cinema which were produced
with a sequence of photos to be transformed as a film. In this movement period
it was produced a car with good price and everyone was exposed to transport.
They used to read and write allot to explore machines even better. Marinetti
wanted to explore machines to enlarge commodity in our lives. The movement ended in 1944 but completed to
influence the other movements after it such as cubism.
It is made by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and it was called Zang Tumb Tuuum in 1912. This is when the digital visual
communication started. It was introduces for a book in Milan. Marinetti used
the words "tuuumb tuuum tuuum
tuuum" to represent the drumbeat of war. He made use of typography which
completed to be used till now. It was a big deal for that time that he used
variety of sized in typography, separated the words with columns and made them
look slanted both horizontally and vertically.
My opinion: It is just a simple graphical design which was
appreciated because of the fact in was new innovation. The artist wanted to
emphasis on the typography itself that`s why he used plain background. The
typography is all black to be able to be seen clearly. The style of typography
is changed from earlier movements because it is no longer serif font. For that
time it was a huge difference in style of font when using san serif style. The
words "tum tum tum" are representing the violence of that time
especially in war. They represent the noises of a weapon and wanted to show the
new technology which was a mechanical weapon. "Parole in Liberta" is
representing the excitement of freedom of speech at that time. The words of the
name of the book are in larger font size than other words. The small words
above are telling that the book is about poetry of futurist edition. In my
opinion he was raising more aggressiveness to complete the war and for
political issues. From now on the
artists completed to get influenced and changed fronts, positions and
It was made in 1914 by Filippo Tomasso marinetti which was
called "irredentismo"
My opinion:
Now I can see the text highlight with black font
but with different styles.I think he used Berlin sans FB font style , arial black and aharoni font types. there
is also serif and sans serif typography.I can observe also typography with ink
which are thick and thin lines which are
zig zag and curvy . There are also some dots with ink. In my opinion the white
background with slightly print on is there to emphasis on the writing. The different fonts are there to represent
different cities and other names.
It is another work from Fillipo Tomasso
Marinetti which was announced in 1919 in France." Les Mots en Liberte
futuristes" stands for Futurists words in Liberty which explains that the
movement wanted the freedom of speech. It is another edition of poetry and this
was the portfolio cover. From Here in 1919 the futurism graphic design began to
spread all over the world.
Another layouts and typography
that are in the portfolio :
All the pages are full of
typography with different positions, sizes and styles. Some of the typography
look like it was written and the artist also choose to draw in some areas with
black on white. Some writing looks
digitally written. Some are with wave effect. These are showing that they
started to experiment even more with typography. I think they left the
background white to emphasis more on the typography styles and the way they are
written. All the pages looks printed.
There are a chaos of typography with most of them doesn`t make sense with each
other. In some pages there are sounds of violence written and is a particular
page there is the word "explosive" written which are representing war
and its aggressive actions. I can observe words "guerra tedescofili"
and a woman that looks worried near it.
Influences and how it changed by
A cover for the last edition of a
book called Blast which was made by wyndham Lewis and other persons. It was
announced in 1915. There is less typography than the others and started to add
more visual layouts. I can see allot of lines which are forming faces, guns and
also hands. I can see dot work and other repetetive patterns. The lines and
shapes are also forming an action going which a person is holding a gun. The
colours are black, white and some off white. In my opinion the person holding
the gun is representing a war or aggressive action. The influences are coming
from Fillipo Tomasso Marinetti`s work.
It is a good example that the
influences completed to spread the word and the artists completed to use
Filliop Tomasso Marinetti`s work to transform their own work.
Depero Futurista(1927)
It was binded for the very first
time with bolts.
Influences came from machines and
also from the futurism itself from earlier stages.
The artists started to experiment
with colours by creating oposite colours on each other. Some of the typography
is over each other. The title is with capital letters to be clearly seen . The
blue colour compliments the typography with each other.
Inside the book:
completed to be an influences for our designers today as we can see here:
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By Dada |
By Dada McKean
Here he started to get influenced from Futurism and
experimented with typography and also depths. I can see pieces of paper on each
other which are looking like pieces from magazines or newspapers. Although
there is a chaos going on still the typography is the main thin on the print.
The typography makes a huge contrast because he used opposite colours under the
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Made by Simon Page |
Here the designer started to
simplify the designs but still catching to the eye. I can see repetitions of curved lines.
By Christopher Brennan from Manchester
A huge amount of
illustrations and typography shows clearly that was influences from futurism
time. By time they completed to make more professional work and bring the best
from Filippo Marinetti`s work by changing some positions, layouts and also
adding some effects to make it more modern.
Jessica Palmieri(2014). Italian
futurism: The founding and manifesto of futurism by F.T Marinetti. New
york, Jessica Palmieri. Available
from: http://www.italianfuturism.org/manifestos/foundingmanifesto/ [Accessed on
18th April, 2014]
The art story foundation(2014). Futurism: synopsis, Key points and beginnings. New York, The Art
story foundation. Available from:
http://www.theartstory.org/movement-futurism.htm [Accessed on 18th April,2014]
Danger Dan (2009). Design
is history: futurism. Danger Dan. Available on: http://www.designishistory.com/1850/futurism/
[accessed on 18th April]
Annenberg Foundation(2013).
Annenberg learner: Book cover for Zang Tumb Tumb. Washington,Annenberg
Foundation. Available on: http://www.learner.org/courses/globalart/work/192/index.html [Accessed on 18th
Rochester Institute of Technology (2010). Cary graphics arts collection: Les mots en
liberte futuristes. New York, Rochester institute of Technology. Available
[Accessed on 18th April,2014)
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